David Preach i Karlskoga
En annan har filmat den och skickade mig som delar den här. Tyvärr det finns mycket distorsion i ljudet. Se upp dina öron.
David Preach i Karlskoga
En annan har filmat den och skickade mig som delar den här. Tyvärr det finns mycket distorsion i ljudet. Se upp dina öron.
Power of faith Davids Preaching In English 2015-04-17. Den är 32 minuter, som härlig smörjelse. Tack till GUD!
Power of faith Davids Preaching In English 2015-04-17 i mp3 format att lyssna
Power of faith Davids Preaching In English 2015-04-17 i mp3 format, download, högerklicka den, sen Spara mål som…, eller Save Targer As…
Marie Liccardo Sweden Worship Preaching English Finnish Saarna Suomeksi 2015 04 08
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Agape Sommarkonferens slutande profetia i2013-06-30 klockan 23:30 mp3
Video Agape: A Pastor of Christ Embassy & Pastor Sirpa Kemi Meeting Möte i 2015-03-15 i Live inspelning
Video playlist: Davids möte: Ge dig själv till den Helige Ande. David’s meeting: Give yourself to the Holy Spirit.
Davids predikan: Ge dig själv till den Helige Ande. David’s meeting: Give yourself to the Holy Spirit. DVD version i 55 minut.
A Sound system with a Little Live studio in meeting
Jag jobbade med en konferens med Don & Sofie Waldo i Stockholm. Jag var sound man, ledde lovsånger, och möten och predikade där också. Tack till GUD. Alla ära kommer till Jesus
Don & Sofie Waldo från U.S.A. Live Worship Preaching Predikan. Live inspeling i Stockhom
Lyssna en mp3 Live Studio Worship ljud exempel här
Kolla de 53 mp3 filer som ligger i höger sidopanel som sista i nedre höger.
Worship Marie Licciardo Preaching Predikan Lovsång Stockholm
I Saw a Throne. This is one of the new worship song, which Heline Ylitalo Stockholm has received from the Holy Spirit. She hopes that the song is still used for a blessing.
Videon fungerar nu.
A English worship begins at 3:52. The author’s name Heline Ylitalo Stockholm have to mention the song is used. A worshiper who plays is called Ingemar from Stockholm.
Lyrics is here:
I saw a throne, a great throne, on the throne sat a man, seven stars in his hand. I saw a crowd standing on sea of glass, millions of angels singing and dancing.
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah, singing and dancing. I saw a field children was playing, Then I saw Jesus dancing and laughing, Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah dancing and laughing.
I saw a town, bright light was shining, golden gates, pearls and diamonds, Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah pearls and diamonds…
I saw a throne , a great throne ,on the throne sat a man ,seven stars in his hand. I saw a crowd ,standing on sea of glass ,millions of angels singing and dancing ,Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, singing and dancing, Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, singing and dancing …..
I saw a town, bright light was shining, golden gates, pearls and diamonds. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, pearls and diamonds … Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, pearls and diamonds…
I Saw a Throne
She wants to release this song and give a blessing to other people. Is a live recording from a meeting near Stockholm. Of that song after it changes the flow of worship, in which a worshiper named Ingemar plays and singing the praises of the Holy Spirit and the flows to declare. Singing the verses begin to 0:0, 3:00, and 4:30. Length of 18 minutes.
Live Worship: I Saw a Throne mp3 version B1. Listen or download a free Worship mp3 song.
You can receive more of the Holy Spirit by listening to this!
Davids Seremon: Nothing is impossible with GOD – Predikan: Ingenting är omöjligt till GUD, DVD film version 36 min.